Awards and Recognition
Dr. Sajeevan T. P. joins as Visiting Researcher at Centre for Marine Science, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, USA

Dr. Sajeevan T. P. joins as Visiting Researcher at Centre for Marine Science, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, USA

Dr. Valsamma Joseph participated in the Indian Arctic expedition 2016 (June 8 – July 20, 2016)

Dr. Valsamma Joseph, Associate Professor, was awarded with UGC-Raman Fellowship for Post-Doctoral Research for Indian Scholars in USA and worked with Prof. William H. Gerwick at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA on biofuel production from marine algae.

Dr.Sajeevan T.P is awarded with UGC-Raman Fellowship for Post-Doctoral Research in US for the year 2016. He worked under the supervision of Dr. John B MacMillan at University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Centre on novel anticancer compounds from Marine actinomycetes.
Dr.Sajeevan T.P., Assistant Professor, has participated in the Indian Arctic expedition 2014 (June 21 – July 28, 2014) as part of Indian Arctic Science programme of National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), Ministry of Earth Science, Govt of India, (2014).

Dr. S. Jones Memorial Award (2014)
Prof. I.S Bright Singh received Second Dr. S. Jones Memorial Prize instituted by the Marine Biological Association of India, for his outstanding contributions in Marine Biology and Aquatic Animal Health

Prof. Bright Singh has been elected Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Science (FNAAS), by ICAR ( 2014).