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The Pre-Synopsis seminar in respect of Ms. Sreevidya C.P., Full time Research Scholar (Reg. No: 5905) under the guidance of Dr. Jayesh Puthumana, Asst. Professor, NCAAH, has been scheduled to be held at 02.00 pm on 27-03-2025 in the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, NCAAH, 4th Floor, New Admin Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Establishment of embryonic cell culture systems from Daphnia magna for in vitro toxicity assays and building-up strategies for induced pluoripotent stem cells (iPSC)”
All are cordially invited.

The Pre-Synopsis seminar in respect of Ms. Jini Jimmy, Full time Research Scholar (Reg. No: 5751) under the guidance of Prof. I. S. Bright Singh has been scheduled to be held at 02.00 pm on 18-03-2025 in the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, NCAAH, 4th Floor, New Admin Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Pyocyanin as the drug of choice in aquaculture: Synthetic Biology based production, Downstream process, Product design and application”
All are cordially invited.

The Pre Synopsis seminar in respect of Ms. Thasreefa K., Full time research Scholar (Reg. No: 5585) under the guidance of Prof. Valsamma Joseph has been scheduled to be held at 02.00 pm on 27-02-2025 in the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, NCAAH, 4th Floor, New Admin Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Chitosan Flocculated Marine Picoalga Picochlorum maculatum MACC3: A Functional Feed for Aquaculture”
All are cordially invited.

The Open Defense and Viva Voce in respect of Mr. M. D. Umar, Full time research Scholar under the guidance of Prof. T.P. Sajeevan, has been scheduled to be held at 11.30am on 15-2-2025 in the School of Marine Sciences Auditorium, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Diversity of Bacterial Communities in Kongsfjorden, an Arctic Fjord and their and their Bioprospecting Potential”
All are cordially invited

The Open Defense and Viva Voce in respect of Ms. Merlin T.S., Full time research Scholar under the guidance of Prof. Sajeevan T.P., has been scheduled to be held at 10.30am on 01-02-2025 in the School of Marine Sciences Auditorium, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Genomic Insights into symbiosis and host adaptation of Marine Invertebrate-associated bacteria and their Bioprospecting potential”
All are cordially invited

The Pre Synopsis seminar in respect of Ms. Soumya Balakrishnan., Full time research Scholar (Reg. No: 5750) under the guidance of Prof. I.S. Bright SIngh and Dr. Jayesh Puthumana has been scheduled to be held at 03.00 pm on 28-11-2024 in the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, NCAAH, 4th Floor, New Admin Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Development and optimization of cell culture systems from the bivalve, Magallana bilineata with applications in aquatic toxicology and transgene expression”
All are cordially invited.

The Pre Synopsis seminar in respect of Ms. Saranya M., Full time research Scholar (Reg. No: 5579) under the guidance of Prof. Valsamma Joseph has been scheduled to be held at 02.00pm on 04-10-2024 in the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, NCAAH, 4th Floor, New Admin Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Marine Leptolyngbya sp. MACC 32 based quorum quenching on Vibrio harveyi for application in shrimp culture systems”
All are cordially invited.

The Open Defense and Viva Voce in respect of Ms. Diya Dominic D V, Full time research Scholar under the guidance of Prof. I. S. Bright Singh and Dr. Valsamma Joseph, has been scheduled to be held at 11.00am on 03-10-2024 in the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, NCAAH, 4th Floor, New Admin Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “In vitro propagation, cytopathogenicity and replication kinetics of Shrimp Parvovirus (PstDV1/IHHNV) and Nodavirus (PmNV/MBV) and their application for selection of antiviral Phytochemical formulations”
All are cordially invited

The Pre Synopsis seminar in respect of Mr. Linu Balan, Full time research Scholar (Reg. No: 4955) under the guidance of Prof. I. S. Bright Singh has been scheduled to be held at 02.30pm on 19-09-2024 in the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, NCAAH, 4th Floor, New Admin Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi-16.
Title of the Thesis: “Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Marine Microorganisms for Aquaculture applications”
All are cordially invited

Prof. Pawan K. Dhar, Chief Executive Officer of CVJ Centre for Synthetic Biology and Biomanufacturing is visiting the Centre on 13th August 2024. All the Researchers and Students of the Centre are invited to attend a talk by Prof. Pawan K. Dhar at 10.30 AM in the DBT- Bioinformatics Centre.

Applications are invited from GAT-B 2024 qualified students for the second round of admission to M.Tech Marine Biotechnology programme, sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India and offered by Cochin University of Science and Technology a National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, for the Academic Year 2024-2026 to fill up the vacant seats
Number of Vacant Seats for Different Categories:
Unreserved: 2, SC:1, ST: 2, DA: 1

The list of students admitted to the M.Tech Marine Biotechnology programme 2024-2026 during first round of admission.
The opening ceremony of Technician Training Programme – Aquatic Animal Health Lab Supervisor (AGR/Q4911) by Agriculture Sector Council of India, under DBT- Skill Vigyan-State Partnership Programme in collaboration with Kerala Biotechnology Commission, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment is scheduled on 1st July 2024 at 3.30PM in the DBT- Bioinformatics Centre Hall, in the 4th Floor of the New Academic Block in the Lakeside Campus of the University. Prof. P.G. Sankaran, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest of the function.
We cordially invite you to join us for this momentous occasion.
The Viva Voce and Open Defence in respect of Ms. Ahna Ameer, Full time research Scholar under the guidance of Prof. I. S. Bright Singh, Emeritus Professor, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health has been scheduled to be held at 11.30am on 14-06-2023 in hybrid mode at the DBT-Bioinformatics Hall, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, 4th floor, New Academic Block, CUSAT Lakeside Campus, Kochi 682016.
Title of the Thesis: Development of plant-derived formulations in the management of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), Penaeus stylirostris penstyldensovirus 1 (PstDVI) / IHHNV, Penaeus monodon nudi virus (PmNV) / MBV and Vibrio in shrimp culture
All are cordially invited
Google Meet Link:
We are delighted to share a moment of immense pride and joy, as we announce that twelve of our distinguished scholars have been honoured with the prestigious Chief Minister’s Navakerala Post Doctoral Fellowships 2023. Their exceptional contributions to their respective fields have brought laurels to our institution and the entire academic community.
In recognition of their outstanding achievements, the University is organizing a special ceremony to honour these accomplished scholars on 8th September 2023, Friday, 2.30 pm at the Mini Conference Hall of CUSAT Seminar Complex.
We cordially invite you to join us for this momentous occasion.
As part of the Skill Development Programme sponsored by the CUSATECH Foundation under RUSA, a Certificate Course in Aquatic Animal Health Management was offered at the Centre during January to July 2023, aimed at generating Aquatic Animal Health Managers at grass root level.
In this connection, a closing ceremony of the Course is organized at the Centre in the Fourth Floor of the New Academic Block on 31/7/2023 at 11.00AM. Prof. K.N. Madhusoodanan, Former Vice Chancellor of the University has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest of the function.
All are cordially invited.

Admission for M. Tech Marine Biotechnology Programme for 2023-25 batch is open. The prospective candidates may go through the guidelines for the Candidates and fill up the application form.
Candidates applied earlier need not apply again.
Merit List and Waitlist for admission to M.Tech Marine Biotechnology Programme 2023-25 is now published.
View hereThe Pre Synopsis seminar in respect of Ms. Merlin T. S., Full time research Scholar (Reg. No: 5051) under the guidance of Dr. Sajeevan T. P. has been scheduled to be held at 11.30am on 21-06-2023 in the Auditorium, School of Environmental Studies, Kalamassery, CUSAT.
Title of the Thesis: “Genomic insights into symbiosis and host adaptation of marine invertebrate-associated bacteria and their Bioprospecting potential”
All are cordially invited

The Viva Voce and Open Defence in respect of Ms. Krishna Priya R S, Full time research Scholar (Reg. No: 5128) under the guidance of Dr. T. P. Sajeevan, Associate Professor, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health has been scheduled to be held at 10.30am on 09-06-2023 in the Seminar Hall, School of Environmental Studies, CUSAT.
Title of the Thesis: Molecular Cloning, Characterization and Expression of a few Immune genes of the Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer) in response to the experimental betanodavirus infection
All are cordially invited

The Pre Synopsis seminar in respect of Ms. Diya Dominic D.V., Full time research Scholar (Reg. No: 6198) under the guidance of Prof. I.S Bright Singh, University Emeritus Professor, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health and joint guidance of Prof. Valsamma Joseph, Professor, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health has been scheduled to be held at 2.30pm on 22-05-2023 in the DBT- Bioinformatics Centre Hall, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Heath, 4th Floor, New Academic Block, Lakeside Campus, CUSAT.
Title of the Thesis: In vitro propagation, cytopathogenicity and replication kinetics of shrimp parvovirus (PstDV1/IHHNV) and nudivirus (PmNV/MBV) and their application for the selection of antiviral phytochemical formulations
All are cordially invited

Prof. K.N. Madhusoodanan, Vice Chancellor inaugurated the Next Generation Sequencing Facility and DBT- Bioinformatics Centre facilities in a brief opening ceremony organized on 18th April, 2023 at 10.0AM in the Bioinformatics Centre hall in the 4th Floor of the New Academic Block.
Graduate Aptitude Test- Biotechnology (GAT-B)/ Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) is a National Level Entrance Examination for admission to Department of Biotechnology supported Post Graduate Programme in Biotechnology and allied areas in participating Institutions (GAT-B)
Applicants desirous of appearing in GAT–B 2023 may register online only via online application form hosted at / . Applicants are advised to read complete details regarding GAT–B 2023 provided in the Information Bulletin hosted at / before applying. Online Registration and Submission of duly Completed Application Form for GAT–B 2023 is scheduled from 10th March 2023 to 31st March 2023 (upto 5PM). A non–refundable and non–transferable application fee of Rs.1200/– is payable online for General (UR) /OBC–NCL /EWS and Rs. 600/– by SC/ ST/ PwD social category applicants. Templates and Formats of all Certificates and supporting documents required for applying to Graduate Aptitude Test–Biotechnology (GAT–B) 2023 are provided at / for download and enclosure while applying.
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology invites applications for the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics training programme for PG/PhD/PDF/Faculty candidates from life science backgrounds, organized by the DBT-Bioinformatics Centre for the year 2022-23. Training will be via online mode. Training dates and detailed schedules will be intimated to the eligible candidates. There is no registration fee. Interested candidates can apply through the registration link on or before 2nd March 2023. For more details contact Director and Coordinator, DBT- Bioinformatics Centre, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Lakeside Campus, Fine Arts Avenue, Cochin – 682016 or through e-mail to
As part of the Chancellor’s Chair Programme organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Prof. Goerge Iwama, Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada visited the Centre on 23/2/2023 for academic interactions and delivered a lecture on ‘Stress physiology with a focus on fish’ at 11.00AM in the Bioinformatics Centre hall, in the 4th Floor of the New Academic Block. This was followed by academic interactions with the students and researchers on research topics of his expertise as well the higher education opportunities in Canada.
Our Centre is arranging a stall in connection with the ‘Sasthrayaan’ programme organized by Cochin University of Science and Technology to disseminate our academic and scientific achievements of social relevance to the public and students. The stall is arranged at the Seminar Complex in the University main campus on 23rd, 24th and 25th January 2023. Visit:

It is with profound grief that we report the sad demise of Prof. Ambat Mohandas, Former Director, School of Environmental Studies, Former Dean, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Former Syndicate Member, CUSAT and Professor Emeritus and Chairman, Advisory Board, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, who contributed greatly to the growth of the Institutions, wherever he served. He passed away at Bangalore on 22.01.2023 at 12.10PM.
We join his family, friends, colleagues and students in paying respectful tribute to him.

A get-together of all NCAAH family members was organized on 18-1-2023 at 11.0AM in the 4th Floor of the New Academic Block to commemorate the 23rd foundation day of the Centre.

The Open Defence and Viva -Voce examination of the Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Development of Marine Polysaccharide based nanoparticles for targeted delivery of the anti-cancer drug Cytarabine” in respect of Ms. Deepa G. (Reg. No.: 5052), Full Time Research Scholar, under the guidance of Dr. Sajeevan T. P. Associate Professor, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, CUSAT is scheduled to be held at 10.30 am on on 16-01-23 in the Seminar Hall, School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi-2022.
All are cordially Invited to participate in the Open Defence.

National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, is organizing a training programme for MPEDA Officials on Health Certification of Ornamental Fishes from 09-13 January, 2023.

National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, is organizing a certificate Course in Aquatic Animal Health Management having 6 month duration sponsored by RUSA.
ELIGIBILITY: Bachelor’s in Fishery Science or Aquaculture/Zoology
DURATION: 6 months
Applications are invited for the following post from qualified candidates to fill up vacant positions in a DBT funded research project entitled “Bioprospecting of Marine microbial diversity for various products under the Marine Bioresource and Biotechnology Network Programme” implemented at National Center for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology.
Designation : Junior Research Fellow
Emoluments : Rs. 31, 000/- fixed per month + 16% HRA
- Essential:
- M.Sc. in Marine Biology /Microbiology/Biochemistry or M.Tech in Marine Biotechnology
- CSIR-UGC- NET or GATE qualification
- Desirable: Research experience in marine bioprospecting and natural products isolation
Interested candidates can apply in plain paper with copies of all relevant certificates with the latest resume to reach Dr.T.P.Sajeevan, Principal Investigator, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Lakeside Campus, Fine Arts Avenue, Cochin- 682016 on or before 30th November 2022 or send the applications as a single PDF file to Short listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the DBT project.
NCAAH organizes an Aquaculture Technician Training Programme in Aquaculture and Aquatic Animal Health Management (Level-1) sponsored by ICICI Foundation as part of the extension services of the Centre during 14th to 18th November, 2022.

Dr. Sajeevan T. P. joins as Visiting Researcher at Centre for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA under the RUSA 2.0 Faculty Exchange programme.

Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has improved its NAAC rating has been reaccredited with A+ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The university has improved its score to 3.39 out of 4. The NAAC peer team had visited the University during 12-14th October, 2022.

Dr. Santhini Pulickal Veetil joined NCAAH as DBT-Ramalingaswami faculty fellow. Her research focuses on1) isolation, characterization and total synthesis ofmarine natural products, especially isolated from unique marine environments for biomedical applications 2) medicinal and heterocyclic chemistry 3) Green and Sustainable organic synthesis.
Mr. MD Umar was selected for KOPRI2022 Arctic fellowship programme hosted by Korean Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) Incheon, South Korea. He will be participating in a 3 month research programme on Molecular Ecophysiology of Arctic Microbes with special focus on the novel genus Roseitranquillus sediminis MCCB386 at KOPRI, Incheon.

Ms. Ajitha V. succesfully defended her thesis on 24th August 2022 at School of Environmental Studies, CUSAT

NCAAH, CUSAT received a major project under Performance Linked Encouragement for Academic Studies and Endeavour (PLEASE) programme of Kerala State Council for Higher Education (KSCHE). The Centre will receive around 3.75 crore rupees and Dr P Jayesh and Dr T P Sajeevan will lead the project.
Dr. Jeswin Joseph, Dr. Manomi S. and Dr. Seena Jose received the Debut Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Post Doctoral Fellowship.